The New York Times
in the best interests of 對....最有利
oderly and gradual appreciation 升值
default 違約
aftermath 結果;後果
lash out 抨擊
entrepreneurial spirit 創業精神
opulence 富裕
concrete proposals
proportional physique 勻稱的身材
cold absence of love, tenderness, of care. 缺乏愛、溫柔與照顧的冷漠
emotional starvation 情感剝奪
physical suffering 身體痛楚
allocate money/time to
access the information
tear up contracts
excessive behaviour 過份的行為
primitive 原始的;未開化的
what incredible luck i have with
defy conventional wisdom 顛覆傳統看法
The government made its official proclamation 宣佈
signature product 獨一無二的
exercise my option to
authority on 領域 專家
melting-pot movie 熔爐電影:融合不同文化演員和文化內涵的電影
oderly and gradual appreciation 升值
default 違約
aftermath 結果;後果
lash out 抨擊
entrepreneurial spirit 創業精神
opulence 富裕
concrete proposals
proportional physique 勻稱的身材
cold absence of love, tenderness, of care. 缺乏愛、溫柔與照顧的冷漠
emotional starvation 情感剝奪
physical suffering 身體痛楚
allocate money/time to
access the information
tear up contracts
excessive behaviour 過份的行為
primitive 原始的;未開化的
what incredible luck i have with
defy conventional wisdom 顛覆傳統看法
The government made its official proclamation 宣佈
signature product 獨一無二的
exercise my option to
authority on 領域 專家
melting-pot movie 熔爐電影:融合不同文化演員和文化內涵的電影
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