- we need to reach a sensible, fair deal 合理的、切合實際的
- the madhouse should be put to one side 混亂的場面
- referendum petition 公投請願書
- confront the biggest vested interests 對抗既得利益者
- shy away from 畏避、躲避
- spurn 唾棄
- bleak economic situation 經濟蕭條
- pessimistic outlook 悲觀的
- achieve significant results
- it's a profound warning 深刻的
- solemnly face this 嚴肅地
- plugging the government』s recent achievements 宣傳、打廣告
- heed the peoples's warning
- I'm flattered 受寵若驚
- sharing a common destiny 分擔共同命運
- absurd hypothesis 荒謬的假設
- directive 指令、指示
- government's coffer 國庫、金庫
- plunder their wealth 掠奪
- interim 過渡期間
- regulations will be amended 修訂
- purportedly 據稱地
- misappropriation 侵吞
- sack 解職
- adhere to the contract 遵守
- fairytale 童話故事
- monogamy 一夫一妻制
- grace periods 寬限期
- stifle investment 抑止
- Prices kept surging 猛漲
- measures have been taken to curb inflation 抑制
- nurture my work 催生
- dedicated 專注的
- the government levies taxes
- dwelling 住宅
- spiraling price 不斷加劇地的增加
- rigorous standard 嚴格的
- there's no point in 沒有意義
- be wary of 提防的
- bizarre 異乎尋常的
- scrutinize 詳細檢查
- assume 承擔
- ascertain 查明;確認
- take on 僱用
- studio apartment 小套房
- apprehensive 憂慮的
- gauge the underlying trends 評估潛在趨勢
- distort the fact 扭曲
- good-enough market 中端市場
- a comprehensive survey 全面性的,廣泛的
- conditions are rife 盛行的,常見的
- the incumbent president 現任
- catastrophe 大災難、翻天覆地的事件
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