The New York Times
spectator 旁觀/目擊者
the performance approaches perfection
spellbinding 十分吸引人的
put short-term profits over long-termsuccess
reckless culture 輕率文化
shoulder the burden
short-sighted 短視近利的
inexcusable 不可原諒的
coindcide with 同時發生
be mired in 陷入..困境
advancing toward one's goal of
concealing the fact
the contract was declared void 無效
forfeit (因犯罪、失職、違約等)喪失
be charged with fraud and forgery 詐欺罪
deluxe accommodations 膳宿
splurge on 揮霍
comprehensive knowledge of
irate customer 生氣的客戶
forge a signature 偽造簽名
departed glories 昔日的榮耀
itinerary 旅行計劃
depart from regular practice 背離常規
inclement weather 險惡的天氣
boycott 聯合抵制;拒絕參加
a very demanding jog
hands-on 實用的
use cycling as an outlet for frustration
demand much of 人
culinary artistry 廚藝
apprentice 學徒
accustom oneself to 使熟悉
事 be pulled up 提起
seize the opportunity to
bland story 淡而無味的
patron 常客
harshly judge 粗糙地/嚴厲地
Fusion cooking
exotic flavors 異國情調的
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