- qualm 疑慮
- concession 特許
- amendment 修正
- statute 法令
- grueling period 累垮人的
- demanding job 吃力的工作
- use cycling as an outlet for frustration
- an influx of customers 蜂擁而來
- apprentice 學徒
- accustom to 使習慣於
- culinary artistry 廚藝
- propose a ban on 提議禁止...
- speculation has been rife 臆測蔓延
- pending his return 直到....時為止
- As of now 至目前為止
- splurge 揮霍
- interdependence 相互依賴
- chronic unemployment 長期
- convener 會議召集人
- aging society 老化
- dole out 發放
- rise to challenges 起而迎接挑戰
- unintended consequences 非計劃中的
- conspiracy theories 陰謀
- mitigate the fallout from 事 緩和該事引起的餘波
- void a contract 使無效
- impartial judge 公正的
- masterpiece 傑作
- insightful 有深刻見解的
- rever 尊敬
- push me into an abyss 深淵
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